Tag: Mistrust

Ghost Identities

Run your fingers through your hair
Do you feel the ghost beside you?
A claustrophobic mess you slumber in
Do you feel the fantasy surround you?
A dual life would be far too few
My mind is capable of too many.
The people I see are hundreds
I have invisible company.
The rain slashes through the illusion
I awaken from my mind
I run my fingers through my hair
Marveling at the emptiness beside.


“In the middle of the night she came sobbing into mine,
and we made it up very gently. You see, she had
absolutely nowhere else to go.”
-Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

See her at the edge. Yellow glowing in her eyes
Lighting fires in evil mind.
See her walk away. The world not under her care.
Not under her skirt. Skin bare
Her legs carried her far away from home.
She was the mad woman. Proud in her insanity
She left. Calm. She read.
Trying to drown in the insanity of somewhere else.
Wait. She came home.
Sneaked in. Unwanted or not.
Blending into her shell.
She had stopped pretending she didn’t care.
She was the mad woman. She didn’t.
Trapped between the worlds she made.
She wanted to run away from home
Wait. She came home.
You see, she had absolutely nowhere else to go.